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A Guide to Interpreting and Passing Psychometric Tests
Psychometric testing is incredibly popular in the world of pre-employment assessments and evaluations. These tests utilize the standard scientific method to assess and grade the thought processes and logical abilities of the test taker.
Psychometric testing was created to accurately gauge whether a job candidate is well-suited for the position to which they have applied. This is based on the thinking that the job skills and relevant scenarios require a specific level of logical understanding and ability to properly perform under pressure. This means that while candidates can do poorly on a psychometric test and not get the job they want, they may also score so highly that they realize they could take on more prestigious, or more difficult, job positions.
Employers love these tests because they see things about an applicant that cannot be easily ascertained during an interview. Some employees; however, do not feel the same.
Why Some Employees Dislike Psychometric Testing
Many employees have stated that they feel psychometric testing is an unfair way of evaluating potential job performance. Their grievances are based on the idea that their true personality and abilities should be discovered through one-on-one interactions while their skills should be nurtured through hands on training.
However, psychometric tests have been rigorously monitored and evaluated for accuracy and have been proven to be realistic and appropriate in their results. The tests are unbiased and give a good idea for which candidates can actually be improved through hands on training, versus those with no potential to learn the necessary skills for a job.
Examples of Psychometric Tests
There are dozens of popular psychometric tests on the market and employers from all around the world use some form of these tests to help narrow down their potential employment pool. Here is a list of some of the most popular psychometric tests, or test with psychometric testing sections:
- PeopleAnswers Test
- ACER Test
- Wiesen TMA
- Mechanical Aptitude Test
- Korn Ferry Assessments
- Berke Assessment
- Shell Assessment
- Civil Service Assessment
- Campbell ISS
- California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
- Diagrammatic Reasoning Test (DIT6)
- And many more
The Four Most Common Psychometric Testing Areas
Thought psychometric testing can cover a variety of topics, the four most common subjects are Mathematical/ Mechanical Reasoning, Verbal/ Reading Comprehension, Spatial Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning. Here is a deeper look into each testing area:
Mathematical/ Mechanical Reasoning
This testing subject covers the basic mechanics of mathematics, physics, and mechanical processes to ascertain both your preexisting knowledge and your ability to solve new problems by assessing provided information.
Though this type of assessment is usually reserved for careers that utilize mechanics and physics on a regular basis, the mathematic understanding may be present on tests for those in a variety of positions.
Verbal/Reading Comprehension
Verbal and reading comprehension are incredibly important skills to have for a plethora of careers. Reading comprehension tests are presented in blocks of written information (excerpts from stories, essays, mock emails, etc.) from which you must find the answers to a series of multiple-choice questions.
This is often time and you may be given as little as 90 seconds to answer your questions.
Verbal reasoning is tested in a similar manner to reading comprehension, but the test is given orally. This is to discover how well a candidate can retain and utilize spoken information. If you are hearing impaired, you may be able to receive an exemption on a verbal exam.
Spatial Reasoning
Spatial reasoning tests are given to see how well the test taker can derive answers to complex problems by visually assessing both 2d and 3d images. This can involve solving complex patterns, mentally folding 3D shapes, or any number of visual problem-solving questions.
Test takers typically find the spatial reasoning section of psychometric tests to be the most difficult, but proper preparation through the utilization of practice tests and study materials.
Logical Reasoning
Logical reasoning is a psychometric subject that is found on nearly every version of the test. The term logical reasoning is quite broad, but the section usual involves solving problems that require the following skills:
- Inductive Reasoning – The ability to solve matrices and patterns in the form of numbers.
- Abstract Reasoning – the ability to draw conclusions from information that has been presented in the form of shapes, drawings, and other figures.
- Deductive Reasoning – the ability to view a set of theoretical rules and apply them to new and unknown scenarios.
- Diagrammatic Reasoning – the ability to view diagrams filled with previously unknown data and use the diagram to solve problems.
How Psychometric Tests are Scored
The scoring of a psychometric test will vary based on the specific test that has been issued. However, these scoring systems are fairly similar and typically involve the use of a control group.
This means that if you take a test with the intent of being an auto mechanic, your raw test score will be compared to the scores of a group of other auto mechanics. Your potential employer will then see how your score compares to that group, which is more important than the score itself.
So, if you score a 65% out of 100% and the control group scores and average of 50%, your score is actually pretty great! The use of these control groups allows test takers to not be unfairly compared to test takers with more education or who work in far more complicated fields.
Psychometric Testing FAQs
Do Psychometric Tests Involve Mental Health Evaluation?
No! Don’t let the name fool you. These tests involve cognitive abilities and logical understanding, but any mental health issues you may have are not a factor in psychometric testing.
Do All Companies Give Psychometric Tests?
No. While psychometric testing becomes more and more popular each year, not all companies require this type of evaluation before employment. If you are unsure if your pre-employment exam is a psychometric test, feel free to search through the information on JobAssessmentHelp where we break down pre-employment exams in greater detail.
Can I Retake my Psychometric Test?
No. There are very few scenarios that will cause you to be able to retake or reschedule a psychometric test. That is why proper preparation is such an important aspect of the assessment testing procedure.
What is a Passing Psychometric Test Score?
Scores for psychometric tests are not pass/fail. Instead, they are taken as a percentage out of 100 and then compared to the scores of your appropriate control group. This means that while 80% might be a passing score for one group, it may be a failing score for another.
How Do I Prepare for a Psychometric Test?
If you are looking for the best psychometric test practice materials, look no further than JobAssessmentHelp.com. We have practice tests, unique questions, study materials, and anything else you may need to ensure that a psychometric test doesn’t keep you from your dream job.
Assessment Companies
Start practicing today and improve your performance on the real tests.
SHL | IBM Kenexa | cut-e | Cubiks | Thomas International |
Wonderlic | Criteria | EEI | DDI | PeopleAnswers |
Berke | Talent-Q | PI-LI (PLI) | Korn Ferry | Aon G.A.T.A. |
Hudson | Revelian | Psytech | Saville | Gallup |
PI | MMPI | CPI | Neo | McQuaig |
Caliper | Capp | EEI | PFS | Test Partnership |
Pearson | PIT | eSkill | Prevue | Criterion Partnership |
Birkman | Siena | Harrison | IPSP | Dilemmas Series |
Testgrid | ACER | PSI | ATS |