The pack includes:
- Six Full Length Simulation CCAT Timed Tests
- Basic Math, Numerical Reasoning & Series Tests
- Verbal Reasoning Tests
- Logical Reasoning Tests (Inductive & Deductive)
- Spatial Reasoning Tests
- Error Checking Tests
- Personality Tests – Bonus!!!
Tests: 95 Questions: +1330
How to Prepare for the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test
Over the years, employers have come to realize the general cognitive ability of their workers greatly affects their ability to learn and succeed at new tasks. That’s why tests like the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, CCAT, are so commonly issued to potential hires. These tests easily eliminate those who lack the natural abilities needed for a job, but they can also cost a poor test taker interviews. If you are worried that your test-taking abilities may damage your ability to get the job you want, you can use this guide to learn how to prepare and overcome.
What is a Cognitive Assessment?
A cognitive assessment is similar to an IQ test in that it measures a person’s general ability to learn and understand concepts. This type of testing is important in the employment world because it saves companies a lot of time and money by helping them pass up candidates that are unlikely to succeed in a position.
These types of exams typically use visual aids in their questions, which can vary from verbal and numerical reasoning, to abstract reasoning. The length and testing format may vary depending on the specific test and which company issues it, but cognitive tests are usually short, timed, and given over a computer.
There are dozens of cognitive style pre-employment assessments, but today we will take a look at the CCAT. The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, CCAT, is one of the most popular forms of this test and has a very generalized selection of questions, which makes it great for a large number of industries.
What Can I Expect from the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test
The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test contains 50 questions that span over four sections: numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, abstract (spatial) reasoning, and general logic. Though the test uses multiple choice questions for easy understanding, the short, 15-minute time limit adds to the overall difficulty.
Good time management is a must-have to excel at the CCAT, which is why preparation through JobAssessmentHelp is the best way to ensure your success. Many companies will only accept your first score on the CCAT, meaning there may be no opportunity to retest.
You will also not be allowed to use a calculator while testing, even on portions involving mathematical understanding. This further exhibits the importance of taking practice tests and properly preparing for your exam.
Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test Scoring and General Details
The CCAT may be given in two different sessions. If so, the first session is often done at home, or in a public testing center. You will not be proctored (watched by a professional). The second issuance of the exam will be done in a professional setting. This might mean testing in front of a company’s HR or testing at a proctored testing center.
The average score for a CCAT is 24 out of 50 questions, but that may not be a high enough score to “pass” in the eyes of your potential employer. Each company will have a specific set of standards for how many questions you need to correctly answer. However, it is generally accepted that a score of 42 or higher is considered passing for a position with any company.
You will be shown a breakdown of your score immediately after completing the exam, but you may not know if your score is high enough for the position unless the company opts to inform you of the requirements beforehand.
Pre-Employment Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test FAQs
Which Companies Use the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test?
The CCAT is an extremely popular test and is used by many companies, including:
- Crossover
- Vista Equity
- Scout Energy Partners
- Buckeye Partners
- And more…
What is a Passing Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test Score?
The passing score will be determined by the company you are applying for. While some companies are happy with an average score (24/50), others may require a much higher score to be chosen for a position. A score of 42/50 is usually considered to be high enough to move forward at any company.
Is the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test a Timed Test?
Yes. The CCAT must be completed in 15 minutes.
How Many Questions Are on the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test?
The CCAT contains 50, multiple choice questions.
Which Subjects are On The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test?
The CCAT contains questions covering spatial reasoning, mathematic reasoning, verbal reasoning, and general logic.
What if I Miss My Testing Date?
The retaking of the CCAT, whether due to missing a test or failing a test, is approved or denied by the company who requested you take the exam in the first place. Some companies may allow you to retake the exam if there is a good reason, but the vast majority of companies will not allow retakes for any reason.
Can I Use a Calculator on the CCAT?
No. You will not be allowed to use a calculator on the exam. Use of an unapproved device will likely result in immediate dismissal from the test with a failing score.
How do I Prepare for the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test?
Passing the CCAT, especially for those with testing anxiety, is often dependent on proper preparation. This includes taking practice exams and learning where your strengths and weaknesses lie. JobAssessmentHelp has the practice materials and expert knowledge you need to get a great CCAT score.
Preparing for the CCAT with JobAssessmentHelp
If you are facing the Criteria Cognitive Assessment Test, you should check out the test prep materials at JobAssessmentHelp.com. We have thousands of unique questions and a multitude of practice exams that are created by our testing experts. You can take the practice tests as often as you need to ensure that you are improving your score each and every time.
No matter how well you have done with testing in the past, JobAssessmentHelp’s practice test materials can provide you with an easy path toward career success. Don’t let the CCAT keep you from improving your life with a great career. If you are ready to increase your cognitive skills and pass your CCAT, check out JobAssessmentHelp’s CCAT practice test, today.