The Bundle Practice Pack includes:
- Basic Math
- Numerical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
- Situational Judgment Tests
- Personality Tests
- Error Checking Tests
- Mechanical Reasoning
Tests: 149 Questions: +2100
AT&T is an American telecommunications company based in Dallas, Texas. Currently, they are the world’s largest telecommunications company and the largest provider of mobile telephone services! They began their history as a Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, a subsidiary of the Bell Telephone Company first founded by Alexander Graham Bell in 1877.
AT&T’s Hiring Process
The process of being hired by AT&T is broken down into simple steps for you to follow. Typically, during the AT&T hiring process, you will have to go through seven different steps in order to be hired which are as follows:
Step 1– You will complete the online application form.
As with many other companies, the important thing to note about AT&T is that they only accept online applications. By using the drop-down menu on their career page, you will be able to quickly search for all available positions in your chosen area of the world.
Step 2 – Assessment Tests
Then you will complete any necessary assessments that are required by AT&T.
Step 3 – Interviews
Here is when interview will be conducted, these are usually in person, by phone, or by video chat. This interview is a chance for you to tell the company why you think you would be the best person for the role, as well as mentioning any background research you have done into the company themselves as this always impresses the interview panel.
Step 4 – Follow-up Interview
This is when you may have to conduct any follow-up interview for the company to be able to ask you any additional or detailed questions following on from your first interview. During this time you may also be invited to the company in order to have a tour of the building and meet your potential colleagues.
Step 5 – Conditional Job Offer
If successful you will then receive what is known as a conditional job offer, this means that you will have a few other checks to pass, provided you pass these checks you will then have been successful in your application.
Step 6 – Drug Screening
Drug screening and a detailed background check will take place, in which you will provide a urine sample for screening.
Step 7 – Successful Application
Provided you have passed all of the above steps you have been successful in your application!
Most people have commented that the entire process of application to hiring usually takes around 3 weeks, this is something to bare in mind when applying for a position with the company.
AT&T Assessment Tests
The AT&T assessment tests are extensive and are an extremely essential part of the application procedure. If you don’t pass the test (s), you will have to wait sometime before reapplying to the position. Preparing and studying for these tests is considered vital!
All candidates will have to complete a number of tests in order to apply for this position, these tests will include the following sections:
The assessments for AT&T can also vary based on position requirements. For instance, technical positions will require a mechanical aptitude test.
For customer service, administrative and management positions will require to take also Personality Test, SJT, and Numerical Test.
During the Basic Test portion of this application, you can expect to answer logic and mathematical based questions, these would be specific to the role you’re applying for. For example, if applying for a sales position, you would be expected to be able to answer questions regarding the maths behind different sales figures and why it is relevant to your position.
Within the Role Play test, you will play the role of the position you’re applying for. This will involve you answering the phone and using the AT&T approved dialogue and showing the way in which, you interact with the customer over the phone as well as demonstrating the customer service skills that you have.
Free AT&T Example Questions:
Sample Question 1:
A car’s value depreciates by 20% each year. If the initial value of the car is $25,000, what will be its value after three years?
A) $10,240
B) $12,800
C) $14,080
D) $16,000
Sample Question 2:
If the probability of rain on any given day in City X is 40%, what is the probability that it will rain on exactly 3 days in a five-day period?
A) 0.2304
B) 0.3072
C) 0.3456
D) 0.4032
Sample Question 3:
A bakery sells cakes for $20 each. The ingredients for each cake cost $5, and the bakery has fixed costs of $200 per day. How many cakes must they sell in a day to break even?
A) 12
B) 14
C) 15
D) 16
Sample Question 4:
A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously can fill the tank in half the time that the third pipe alone can. The first pipe alone can fill the tank 5 hours faster than the third pipe alone. If all three pipes together can fill the tank in 1 hour, how long will it take the third pipe alone to fill the tank?
A) 5 hours
B) 6 hours
C) 7 hours
D) 8 hours
Sample Question 5:
An investor divides $50,000 between two investments offering 6% and 9% annual interest, respectively. If the total annual interest from both investments is $3,900, how much did the investor place in each?
A) $15,000 and $35,000
B) $20,000 and $30,000
C) $25,000 and $25,000
D) $30,000 and $20,000
- C
- A
- D
- C
- B