Abstract Reasoning and Diagrammatic Reasoning are different names for these same tests.
The pack includes:
- Study Guide
- Inductive Reasoning Tests
- Deductive Reasoning Tests
- Mixed Logical Reasoning Tests
What Is Deductive Reasoning?
Deductive reasoning is the logical way of assessing situations and solving problems that are related to these situations.
Therefore, deductive reasoning tests are psychometric tests taken by a job-seeker to test how he can observe situations and logically arrive at solutions. As the name suggests, deductive reasoning requires you to deduce the appropriate logic from a given host of options. This test type expects candidates to make a logical choice from the available premises. The test is quite similar to the logical reasoning tests and many firms tend to use the deductive logical thinking test instead of the two.
Deductive reasoning tests require applicants to be able to think quickly and critically. As it is with other psychometric tests, the deductive reasoning tests are mainly to assess the ability of an applicant to observe phenomenons and identify the wrong variable out of the many given. Job fields that particularly require this test are engineering and IT related roles.
Common Writers Of Deductive Reasoning Tests
Before proceeding, it is pertinent to know that all versions of the deductive reasoning tests aim to achieve the same purpose. So, regardless of the mode of conduct, the writers of the test, the firm employing, the basic goal of the deductive reasoning test is to measure and ascertain your logical thinking ability. The most popular writers of deductive reasoning tests are:
1. SHL: This is a very popular writer of deductive reasoning tests. Questions are usually between 22 – 25 depending on the level of the job. Tests written by SHL (CEB) follow a format that presents applicants with three sections to answer within the stipulated timeframe. The first section is usually for verbal assessment: you are given a sentence and out of the statements that follow, are expected to select the logically correct one. Up next is the image test: here, you are required to identify the patterns and choose the odd one out. The third section involves the identification of logical variables from a whole block. These test writers have the option of a second test that is often logical and serves as a follow-up to the first. This is used to evaluate the consistency of an applicant as well as his ability to tackle cases or phenomenons he has already come across.
2. Kenexa: Kenexa is a subsidiary of IBM and also a very popular test publisher. Usually, their tests contain 20 questions that require applicants to be methodological and logical in their choices. These tests are very similar to CHB tests and contain only slight variations. There is the verbal section, the image section and the identification section. Normally, the test allocates 20 minutes for 18 questions but these rules can be altered depending on preferences or level of the role.
Types Of Deductive Reasoning Tests
Your test may ask you to formulate an argument from a pattern or require you to test the logicality of a proposed argument. Deductive reasoning tests have some minimally different question types. They are:
1. Numbers and tables: This question type requires applicants to study data presented in a table format and afterward use their observations to answer the questions that follow.
2. Syllogism: Test questions presenting syllogism provide applicants with an independent variable, a dependent variable, and a rational conclusion. You are then given necessary additional information to verify the statements made in relation to the variables. This verification is as simple as affirming or gainsaying the statement.
3. Deductions and conclusions: This test type asks applicants to make conclusions from several available statements. That is, you are presented with three or more statements and are then asked to verify the argument that follows.
The seating arrangement is also a question type for a deductive reasoning test.
Relevance Of Deductive Reasoning Tests
Deductive reasoning tests assess your ability to observe situations, recognize their patterns, and arrive at logical arguments. The deductive reasoning test hence gives a prospective employer a peek into your observational skills, intelligence quotient, and determine if you can handle certain special roles. Such roles are related to the engineering field as well as information technology roles. These roles are to be filled with applicants who possess the unique ability to observe trends, identify the rules behind them, and then use their observations to stay ahead of unforeseen situations as well as navigate their ways out of problems.
Passing Your Deductive Reasoning Tests
Your deductive reasoning tests are not new to us. Having been through them ourselves, we give you preparatory tips for passing your tests.
1. Practice and don’t stop practicing
This is the first and most important of all the tips. You have to practice for as long as you can, ceaseless and untiring. The primary difference between successful and unsuccessful applicants is the level and scope of practice.
The key is to be extremely familiar with questions so you would have no fears and your confidence would be at a brimming level. Ensure that you practice every day, maintaining exact exam conditions. Use the actual timeframe for your tests, be in a serene and calm environment, create checks, and supervision and strategize. Attempt as many questions as you can in your practice sessions. These constant practices will help you identify your weaknesses and strengthen them with time. With constant practice, we honestly believe you have all the shots.
2. Work with your time
The allocated time must be maximally utilized if you are to excel in your deductive reasoning tests. We suggest the thumb rule that asks you to divide the allotted minutes by the number of questions. This will mean using 20 minutes for 20 questions. However, being conscious of your time has to start from your practice sessions. While practicing, engage the actual test timings. That will get you familiar with the test system perfectly. Solve deductive reasoning exercises measuring your use of time.
3. Obtain all relevant information
You are recommended to seek all sources of information that will make you better prepared for the test. A very necessary thing to know is the writer of your test and you can get this information from the human resources unit of the firm. Knowing the publisher will help you prepare better and be more familiar with the test when you eventually seek for it. All other relevant information such as the timeframe, number of questions and mode of conduct should be sourced too and taken into consideration while practicing. You should also ask for deductive reasoning examples.
4. Increase Your Spatial Awareness:
This tip asks you to increase your mental ability to understand and manipulate images. This means that you work hard to improve your innate sense of reasoning. Although this may be difficult, it is achievable.
Score High With Specialized Practice Questions
You can easily score very high with the use of specialized practice questions. They offer past test questions and answers as well as the ones you are most likely to find in your verbal reasoning test.
However, having evaluated a couple of specialized practice questions on the internet today and found many on them coming short, our professionals have put up an indeed comprehensive practice pack that contains actual test questions and their correct answers. You can get this practice pack for an affordable cost. All you have to do is place your order.