- Basic Math & Numerical Series Tests
- Numerical Reasoning Tests
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- Logical Reasoning Tests
- Situational Judgment Tests
- Personality Tests
- Spatial Reasoning Tests
- Memory Tests
Tests: 128 Questions: 1880
A Deep Dive Into Police Exams in The US
There are a lot of police stations in the United States. In fact, according to the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund there are nearly 18,000 police departments across the U.S.
Why so many?
Most states have at least one police department per identified county to ensure that there is not too much population per police force. In larger cities (like NYC) the division of locations is increased and there can be multiple police departments per city.
While it makes perfect sense that there would be a large number of police departments in each state, it can make it difficult to know how to prepare for pre-employment exams at each.
Do All Police Departments Utilize the Same Pre-Employment Exams?
One of the biggest complications when it comes to determining which employment test to study for is the fact that there isn’t one, singular test that all police departments issue. However, there are a few tests that are considered golden standards and used by multiple departments.
Companies like Morris & Mcdaniels and EB Jacobs utilize a basic standard for police officers to ensure their tests are looking for the best, most appropriate assets in the candidates taking the test.
Some departments choose to use state-specific tests, which are largely based on the big-name exams created by large testing companies. The difference is usually that they include focus on issues, competencies, or specific cultural aspects that may be necessary to work in their specific area.
The Competencies Tested on U.S. Police Exams
Though not all these competencies will be tested on every variation of the U.S. Police Exam, they are found across enough tests to be considered a “testing standard.”
- Written Comprehension: The ability to read written data in many formats, as well as understand the information provided, is a vital part of being a police officer in the United States. From police reports, to witness statements, and even training manuals, there will be times nearly every day where your reading/written comprehension is employed.
- Information Ordering: Information ordering is the art of recognizing rules order and using them to organize data appropriately. A common example of this would be looking through witness statements and determining the order in which events were witnessed.
- Oral Comprehension: Oral comprehension is similar to written comprehension, only reversed. You must be able to create documents and communications that are clear, concise, and relevant. This is often tested by testing your knowledge of grammar, spelling, and similar skills.
- Spatial Orientation: Spatial orientation refers to the natural ability to gather your bearings and determine your location in reference to your surroundings. This testing section usually includes complex maps that need read and written directions that you must follow to identify locations.
- Memorization: The memorization test on U.S. Police Exams are almost all the same. You are usually shown a crime scene photo (not real, typically) and given a set amount of time to view the photo. You are not allowed to take notes. After the time is up, the photo is removed from sight and you are asked to answer questions about items that were in the photo.
- Visualization: Visualization is a geometric skill that allows your brain to picture what an image would look like once altered. So, you may be shown an unfolded object and asked to identify what it would look like folded. Other times you might be shown a photo of a person and given a description of visual alteration. Then, you will find the photo that depicts what that person now looks like.
- Problem Sensitivity: Problem sensitivity is another crucial skill for Police Officers in the U.S. This is a skill that can be difficult to test for because it is often based in natural social skills and awareness. The approach is typically to show the test taker a series of witness statements and have them identify irregularities or potential problems in the statements.
- Perceptual Speed: Perceptual speed refers to your speed while taking in visual data and understanding it. This is often tested by puzzles that require you to spot differences or compare symbols in a pattern.
- Inductive Reasoning: Inductive reasoning is often called cause and effect reasoning. It is the art of recognizing a pattern in information and using the pattern to identify a resolution to a related problem.
- Deductive Reasoning: Deductive reasoning doesn’t require using general information to determine rules by comparison. Instead, you already know a set of rules and follow those standards to determine additional actualities.
Which Police Exams Are Used in the U.S.?
There are a number of exams used by police agencies in the U.S., but here are a few of the most commonly used exams:
- National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory (NCJOSI)
- Law Enforcement Assessment Battery (LEAB)
- Law Enforcement Exam (LEE)
- National Police Officer Selection Test (NPOST)
- Next Generation Law Enforcement Exam (NGLE Exam)
- Criminal Justice Basic Ability Test (CJBAT)
- Entry-Level Police Exam (ELPE)
In addition to these exams, many test takers are required to take physical exams, mental health exams, and general intelligence exams (e.g. TABE, WAIS, KAIT).
Standard Hiring Requirements for U.S. Police Agencies
Each state and county will have specific requirements for those wanting to apply for a position with their respective agency. Though you should check the hiring site for your county to ensure you know their requirements for hiring, here is a basic outline of typical hiring requirements:
- Permanent U.S. residency
- Minimum age of 21 years old (18 in some counties)
- Residency in the applicable county and state
- Valid driver’s license
- Ability to obtain a firearm license (some counties require you already have licensure for a weapon)
- Minimum level of college education, measured in credit hours or semester hours
How to Prepare for a U.S. Police Exam
Preparing for U.S. Police Exams might sound complicated thanks to the wide variation in tests and hiring requirements. That’s why you should trust a company that knows the assets that work best for your specific testing state – JobAssessmentHelp.
We have practice tests and materials for the potential police recruits of all states in the U.S. From mathematics and reading comprehension, to skills like writing reports and memorizing crime scene photos, we have the materials you need to enhance your skills so you’re completely ready for whichever police exam you end up taking. If you are facing a U.S. Police Exam, check out the test prep materials on JobAssessmentHelp.com!
Our preparation for police exams is tailored to the various states and cities across the United States
South Dakota | New Mexico | Massachusetts | Hawaii | California |
Tennessee | New York | Michigan | Idaho | Alabama |
Texas | North Carolina | Minnesota | Illinois | Alaska |
Utah | North Dakota | Mississippi | Indiana | Arizona |
Vermont | Ohio | Missouri | Iowa | Arkansas |
Virginia | Oklahoma | Montana | Kansas | Colorado |
Washington | Oregon | Nebraska | Kentucky | Connecticut |
West Virginia | Pennsylvania | Nevada | Louisiana | Delaware |
Wisconsin | Rhode Island | New Hampshire | Maine | Florida |
Wyoming | South Carolina | New Jersey | Maryland | Georgia |