CCAT Practice Test
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Our Aptitude Practice Pack covers the common assessments you are going to face in the CCAT tests.
The pack includes:
  • Six Full Length Simulation CCAT Timed Tests
  • Basic Math, Numerical Reasoning & Series Tests
  • Verbal Reasoning Tests
  • Logical Reasoning Tests (Inductive & Deductive)
  • Spatial Reasoning Tests
  • Error Checking Tests
  • Personality Tests – Bonus!!!
Tests: 95 Questions: +1330

What Is the CCAT Test?

The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) by Criteria Corp is a pre-employment aptitude test.  (It should not be confused with the CCAT 7 which is a Canadian reasoning assessment for students.)  The CCAT measures an applicant’s ability to think critically, solve problems, and use new information.  Your results from the test give employers an idea about how well you will respond to new training.  Research has found that cognitive aptitude is a better predictor of job performance than education level, previous experience, or interviews.

The CCAT is made up of 50 questions to be answered within 15 minutes.  Less than 1% of people taking the test get through all fifty questions, and it is typical to only have 24 correct answers.  The test is made up of verbal, math and logic, and spatial reasoning questions.  The questions are mixed together in no particular order, although they do increase in difficulty as you progress through the test.  When you receive your score, you will see the raw score which is the number of correct answers you gave, and your percentile.  The percentile compares how well you did with everyone else who has taken the CCAT. 

Question Types:


The verbal questions measure your vocabulary, as well as how you determine a word’s meaning, your use of context, and your knowledge of how words relate to one another.

Verbal questions appear as antonyms, syllogisms, and letter sequences.

Employers are looking for applicants with strong communication skills.  They need workers who communicate well with clients, customers, and coworkers as well as over the phone and email.

Math and Logic

The math and logic questions on the CCAT test your skills in basic algebra, solving word problems, and your ability to determine proportions.

All test questions are based on mental math.  Calculators are not allowed when taking the CCAT.

Math and Logic questions appear as number series and word problems.

Research has shown that numerical reasoning and number sense directly relate to one’s ability to think critically and solve problems.  These are skills many employers value.

Spatial Reasoning

This section of the CCAT tests innate aptitude.

The questions appear as inductive reasoning, matrices, and identifying outliers.  You need to be able to rotate or flip images in your head, recognize patterns, and identify the one that doesn’t belong.

Employers will use information from your score to determine how well you will be able to solve problems, use new information, and learn new skills.

How do I Prepare for the CCAT Assessment?

  1. Practice, practice, practice – the more you practice, the more comfortable you will be taking the test.  You will build your confidence as you become familiar with the format and types of questions on the CCAT.  Being confident and comfortable will enable you to move through the test at a faster pace, thereby enabling you to complete more questions correctly.
  2. Take practice tests.  You can find some practice questions on the Criteria Corp website.  As the creator of the CCAT, you might think that is all the preparation you will need, when in fact, they offer very few questions and these questions do not represent all of the question formats on the actual test.
  3. Read carefully.  Pay close attention to the questions and answers as you read through them.  Be sure you understand exactly what the question is asking, and then choose the answer that best answers the question.  Multiple choice tests like the CCAT use distractors in the answers.  These are answers that sound close to the correct response, but are actually wrong.
  4. Develop a strategy.
    1. Think about what your natural strengths are and answer those questions first. This will increase your likelihood of a correct response.
    2. Use the process of elimination to rule out answers that are obviously incorrect, then make your best guess between the answers that are left. It is better to guess and possibly give a correct answer, than to not answer at all and be guaranteed a wrong answer.
    3. Keep track of your time. Don’t get caught up on a tough question that will keep you from answering other questions within the allotted time.
  5. Bring scrap paper and a pen.  Calculators are not allowed, but you can use scrap paper to draw some quick diagrams or make a calculation.

More About the CCAT Test

Construct Validity: The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test has a high statistical correlation to other leading measures of cognitive aptitude, like the Wonderlic Personnel Test.  The correlation coefficients measure from .55 to .8 when compared with similar aptitude tests.

Predictive Validity: The results of the CCAT correlate significantly with performance in a wide variety of jobs. It is most effective for predicting performance in jobs that require problem-solving, critical thinking, verbal and mathematical reasoning, and learning new information. Some examples of these types of positions include managerial positions, jobs in the technology field, financial analysts, auditors, and software engineers.

Standardization Sample: Norms for the CCAT were developed using a sample of 985 working adults who were 18 years old and older.  The adults in the sample were being assessed for employee selection purposes, and represented over fifty companies.  Their current jobs included management, technical service, customer service, sales and sales related jobs.

The CCAT is used by some well-known companies, such as Carbide Industries, Dannon Yogurt, Domino’s Pizza, Goodwill, and Viking River Cruises… just to name a few.  It is also used by a number of school districts, banks and credit unions, and local governments.

It’s a competitive job market out there.  The more information you have in advance about what to expect from future employers, the more confident an applicant you will be.  With some time and preparation, you can walk into the testing room armed with your strategies and ready to succeed.  It’s time to land that dream job!

What is CrossOver’s CCAT Test?

You’ve probably heard of a lot of job assessments and situational judgement tests but the CrossOver CCAT Test is a little bit different!

CrossOver works only with remote work opportunities and hires only the best. To ensure they’re hiring the best person for each position, they employ the CCAT Test. As the number of remote jobs increases, this test is becoming more popular!

CCAT stands for Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test. It analyzes and examines norms, percentiles, and standardized scores from the test that compares new applicants with other qualified ones around the world. These comparisons allow the hiring managers to determine who is best for the job.

The test measures critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and your ability to learn. All of these play a crucial role in remote work and effect how efficient you are in your job!

Is the CCAT Similar to Other Pre-Employment Tests?

One of the key things that sets CCAT apart from other pre-employment tests is that it’s extremely fast-paced. The fast paced aspect of the test is designed to test your skills that would be taxed and used often during remote work. Reacting and thinking on the fly is a key part of the remote work that CrossOver hires for and the test reflects that.



  • What is considered a good score on the CCAT?
    A good CCAT score varies depending on the employer and the specific role. However, generally speaking, a score above 30 is considered strong and suggests a high level of cognitive ability. This can place you in the higher percentiles compared to other test-takers.
  • Can I retake the CCAT if I’m not satisfied with my score?
    Whether you can retake the CCAT depends on the employer’s policy. Some companies may allow retakes after a certain period, while others may not. It’s essential to check with the specific employer or testing administrator regarding their retake policy.
  • What are some effective strategies for preparing for the CCAT?
    Preparation strategies for the CCAT include practicing under timed conditions to get used to the pace of the test, focusing on your weakest areas (verbal, numerical, or abstract reasoning), and taking full-length practice tests to build familiarity with the format.
  • How does the CCAT compare to other cognitive ability tests?
    The CCAT is similar to other cognitive ability tests like the Wonderlic but tends to be more challenging due to its time constraints. It requires quick thinking and decision-making across a broad range of question types.
  • Are there any tricks to improve my performance on the CCAT?
    While there’s no substitute for genuine ability, understanding the test’s structure and types of questions can improve your performance. Practice recognizing patterns quickly, and remember to skip questions that seem too difficult to avoid wasting time.
  • Does the CCAT measure emotional intelligence?
    No, the CCAT strictly measures cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and logical thinking. It does not assess emotional intelligence, personality, or other non-cognitive traits.
  • Can practicing for the CCAT improve my score significantly?
    Yes, practicing can help you become familiar with the test format and improve your speed and accuracy, which are critical given the time constraints. Many test-takers see improved scores after focused practice, particularly in areas where they initially struggled.
